Brand new to Melodics! Learn to play the songs you love.
Supercharge your music skills with Melodics’ active song-based approach that gets you inside the music of artists you aspire to play like.
Play to learn. Play for real. Just plug in and go!
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Play for real.

Step up your skills.
Step inside songs you love to enhance your learning experience. Each time you play, you’re getting closer to your favorite artists.
Play it your way.
Improve faster, evolving your playing with the latest tech and real-time feedback. Now you can be part of your favorite songs.
Real sound. Real experience.
Boost your skills and confidence by playing along with our incredible catalog, perfectly recreated just for you by our pro musicians.

Find your groove.
Songs you love, that you can play straight away.
No more dull theory. Play to learn by getting inside the songs, with pitch-perfect covers and step-by-step breakdowns that play to your skill level.
Let’s play.
What’s your flavor?
Explore the sounds and styles you could add to your repertoire. Preview the range of lessons available on our Spotify playlist.

Get better, faster, stronger.
Improve faster, evolving your playing with our revolutionary approach to learning. Put the theory behind each song into practice straight away, track your progress and raise your own bar with real-time feedback.
Learn how it worksJoin over 1,000,000 other musicians leveling up with Melodics
To me Melodics is just very intuitive. I could do it on the first try, and I really like the easiness of the learning style.
Guan Wang, New Zealand I like the little variances between how you can play beginner or advanced versions. But it always felt like you were playing the real song.
Cesar Acosta, Mexico It allows people to understand how to put a song together. With Melodics it’s my curriculum, my preference, my style.
Luke Mitchells, New Zealand
Songs. Out now for Melodics.
A Melodics Premium subscription takes all the power and fun of learning with a Standard Melodics subscription, and turns it up to 11.

Behind the music
Every track in Songs is handpicked to immerse you in the music, elevate your learning, and expand your musical horizons.
Our pro musicians create pitch-perfect covers of songs you love, helping you learn how they come together by playing them step by step, turning your practice into real progress.
You can navigate to where Songs are in Melodics via the [Explore] >[Songs] section of the app.
Anyone with Melodics and a MIDI drums, keys or pads instrument can browse and audio preview any song in the catalog for free. Currently, you must have a subscription for a Melodics Songs plan in order to access the learning and playing component of Songs lesson content.
- Melodics subscribers prior to our September 1st 2022 launch have a free upgrade to the Songs tier from your Standard plan (thanks for believing in us!). Missed the memo? Get in touch.
- For Standard Tier subscribers (post September 1st 2022) and Melodics free users: Check out Melodics’ plans to upgrade to Songs, visit
The high caliber to which our music team produce our renditions for each song and try to capture the original sound and spirit behind the music and artists is unparalleled in the world of music-learning apps.
It’s really important when you’re learning popular music that you get a proper chance to focus without distraction — that means no bad renditions, dinky instruments or shoddy vocal attempts allowed!
With Melodics, we want your experience of playing your favorite songs to feel authentic — like you’re sitting in with the band itself
Melodics launched Songs on September 1st, 2022 with 59 songs in the catalog. Across keys, pads and drums instruments, with multiple levels of difficulty for each song, that’s over 200 distinct lessons for songs to play, plus 1500+ lessons, exercises, courses and a Guided Path to get your skills up to speed!
We always have more Songs in production, and we’ll be doing more Song bundle drops regularly so the catalog grows and stays fresh.
We love to hear what the people want. The request line is always open! Drop us a line or get involved with the Melodics Facebook Community.
Songs are only available to Premium plan subscribers. As a free user you can preview songs and hear how they sound by hitting the lesson audio preview. If you’d like an idea of how learning songs with Melodics can benefit your broader musical journey, check out our article on navigating your learning journey.
Melodics has a growing library with dozens of songs. Check out breakdowns of some of our most popular songs for drums here.